Molecular Sciences Wageningen

Isolation and characterization of Xylose (Glucose) isomerase from Fervidobacterium gondwanense (1).
Fervidobacterium gondwanense (F.g.), isolated from heated geothermal waters in Australia is a member of the order of Thermotogales. This bacterium grows between 44 °C and 88 °C, with an optimum at 68 °C. It's ability to grow on xylose indicates the presence of all genes involved in the xylose utilization pathway, including the gene encoding the xylose isomerase enzyme (XylA). This enzyme not only facilitates the conversion of D-xylose into D-xylulose but also the conversion of D-glucose in D-fructose, which is desirable in many industrial processes.

The purpose of this research project was to isolate the previously undescribed xylA gene from Fervidobacterium gondwanense. We have produced functionally active F.g. XylA protein in E. coli and biochemically characterized the purified protein.

Methods: A mini-library containing F. gondwanense chromosomal DNA was created and screened using a Thermotoga maritima (T.m.) xylA ³²P-ATP DNA probe. A positive restriction fragment of 3kb was used for making a recombinant vector, which was introduced to E. coli cells. The 3kb insert from successfully transformed colonies was sequenced and was found positive for parts of the F.g. xylA gene. Further sequencing of deletion clones made from the recombinant vector and the use of tailed primer PCR revealed the whole F.g. xylA sequence. The acquired F.g. xylA was brought to expression in E. coli strain BL21 (DE3) in parallel with T.m. xylA serving as control.

The F.g. XylA protein was isolated, purified and D-glucose isomerization activity was measured. Temperature optimum, pH dependency and metal ion requirements were determined and compared to the enzyme properties of T.m. XylA. The F.g. xylA gene was sequenced and the genes surrounding the F.g. xylA were identified. Comparison of the obtained sequence date to known xylA genes from related Thermotoga species showed up to 59% sequence identity. The deduced amino acid sequence of F. g. xylA was modeled using the known XylA structure of T. neapolitana and both structures were compared concerning the position of lysine residues, which play an important role in the deactivation of the protein under high temperatures and alkaline pH.

The XylA from F. gondwanense is a moderately thermophilic enzyme with an optimal activity at 80 °C at slightly alkaline pH. The high amino acid homology with other Thermotoga XylA proteins characterized in earlier research makes this new enzyme an ideal candidate for comparative studies on structure function relationships. F.g. XylA is a suitable enzyme for industrial processes, working at an intermediate temperature where deactivation reactions can be controlled. Further research on thermophilic xylose isomerases is of great value because of their high potential in several industrial processes. They can replace mesophilic enzymes, allowing increased reaction temperatures, thereby increasing yield and reducing costs. Furthermore, the high degree of amino acid homology between different XylA enzymes isolated from these thermophiles provides great opportunities in comparative studies addressing enzyme properties at a molecular level.

Subunit of F. gondwanense XylA modeled
using T. neapolitana XylA as template.
1 Wageningen University and Research Centre: Laboratory of Microbiology
2 Andrews KT, Patel BK.(1996). Fervidobacterium gondwanense sp. nov., a new thermophilic anaerobic bacterium isolated from nonvolcanically heated geothermal waters of the Great Artesian Basin of Australia. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1996 Jan;46(1):265-9
3 Bhosale SH, Rao MB, Deshpande VV. (1996) Molecular and industrial aspects of glucose isomerase. Microbiol Rev. 1996 Jun;60(2):280-300.

Activity dependent dynamic changes on PostSynaptic Density of rat brain: A proteomics approach (1).

Male Wistar rat

L-glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter used in the vertebrate central nervous system. Glutamate released from the presynaptic axon endings diffuses through the synaptic cleft and interacts with specific receptors located at the dendritic spines of receiving neurons (model). These interactions cause the opening of ion channels allowing Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ions to cross the postsynaptic cell membrane. The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in particular serves as an ion channel for Ca2+ ions. These ions act as secondary messengers in the postsynaptic cell by activating proteins in a protein dense organelle called the PostSynaptic Density (PSD).

Earlier experiments have shown that repeated stimulation induces changes in the level of certain PSD proteins, thereby strengthening postsynaptic responses. These phenomena are referred to as plasticity and Long Term Potentiation (LTP) and are believed to be directly involved in processes such as memory and learning. Identification of the proteins functionally involved in postsynaptic signal transduction is extremely important for understanding the fundamental and dynamic processes regulating brain function in health and disease.

We set out to analyze PSD proteins separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis techniques (2-DE). This was done by isolating intact attached pre- and postsynaptic cell parts called synaptoneurosomes (SNSs) from rat brain tissue. Sample quality was tested using immunohybridization assays and SNSs were visualized using electron microscopy. Part of the SNSs was stimulated using KCl in order to induce glutamate release thereby activating the postsynaptic glutamate transmitter system and part was incubated under normal conditions, serving as control. Subsequently, SNS proteins were purified using detergent extraction and ultracentrifugation, whereafter proteins were separated using 2-DE. Relative protein levels on 2-DE gels were quantified using "PDQUEST" software (Bio-Rad).

Qualitative gel analysis revealed purified PSD components. A total of 238 protein spots on the gels were quantitatively analyzed. The variation in signal strenght between individual protein spots within experimental groups was examined as well as the effect of KCl stimulation. We found a significant change in signal strenght in 71 out of the 238 analyzed spots (p < 0.05, student's T). Furthermore, 7 out of the 71 protein spots were over two fold regulated (For example spot 8504). These results demonstrate the regulation of a small subset of proteins after stimulation, suggesting a functional link between these proteins and LTP.

2-DE gel containing purified PSD protein

1 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology at the Free University of Amsterdam.
2 Netherlands Proteomics Platform.
3 Dosemeci, A., J. H. Tao-Cheng, et al. (2001). Glutamate-induced transient modification of the postsynaptic density. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98(18): 10428-32.
4 Johnson, M. W., J. K. Chotiner, et al. (1997). Isolation and characterization of synaptoneurosomes from single rat hippocampal slices. J Neurosci Methods 77(2): 151-6.
5 Sheng, M. (2001). Molecular organization of the postsynaptic specialization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98(13): 7058-61.
6 Ziff, E. B. (1997). Enlightening the postsynaptic density. Neuron 19(6): 1163-74.

'Indeed, I do not forget that my voice is but one voice,
my experience a mere drop in the sea, my knowledge no
greater than the visual field in a microscope, my mind's
eye a mirror that reflects a corner of the world, and my
ideas - a subjective confession'.

C.G. Jung.

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